COVID-19 Update - 05.01.2021
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Posted on: 05/01/2021

As we enter the UK's third lockdown, we're still safely hand crafting your orders.
Following the Governments most recent guidelines, as manufacturers we are allowed to continue working throughout the latest lockdown.
We have taken extra safety precautions including social distancing, wearing masks in the workshop, and working from home where possible.
We are taking our breaks and lunchtimes separately.
Our cleaning schedule has changed completely to accommodate the advice from the Government.
But don’t forget we can only make 10 orders a day.
To avoid disappointment please order as soon as possible, we all know the effects that Covid is having on the world, it's slowing everything down from receiving raw materials, to production times and even deliveries.
We'd encourage you to place your orders as soon as possible for special dates such as Valentines Day to ensure your loved one can feel Snuggletastic.
All Experience Day tickets that have been purchased for this year will be valid for a future date. Please get in touch for this to be rearranged once the restrictions of group gatherings and face to face meetings have been lifted. Alternatively a virtual onesie HQ tour can now be booked.
Our Concierge Service remains in place and can be booked here for the virtual personal assistance to help you decide on your onesie design.
Our gift vouchers are still available online should you need to send a special gift to someone in your thoughts, these are emailed rather than posted.
For the foreseeable future our school visits have been postponed. Where we can set enterprise projects online through Zoom we will, so our students can still benefit from the amazing opportunities that the work based projects bring.
We are continuing to make and send the onesies to the baby banks and women’s refuge centres that we support and are doing all that we can to help in our small way. Our off cuts are still available free of charge for fundraising projects.
We remain contactable on the online chat and on 01670 522478 and email.
Stay Safe, stay Snuggletastic x