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UFO Day: Unidentified Flying Onesies

Posted on: 02/07/2014

Onesies Out of This World

UFo Did you know that today is World UFO Day? UFO stands for 'Unidentified Flying Object' and many believe that these unidentified flying objects are extraterrestrial. According to a 2012 National Geographic Channel Survey, 36% of Americans say they are certain UFOs exist and have landed on Earth, and 11% say they're confident they have spotted one. World UFO day came about after, what is probably the most well-known UFO story, occurred in July 1947. Debris was discovered on a ranch Northwest of Roswell, N.M. - which many believe came from an alien spacecraft. Many eye witness accounts claim to have seen alien bodies at the crash site. The Air Force released a statement in which they referred to the UFO as a 'flying saucer', but the service later the said the debris came from a weather balloon. Decades later, the Air Force issued a report saying the debris was likely from experimental surveillance balloons and that any "aliens" observed at the site were actually in fact "anthropomorphic test dummies" (crash test dummies) that were in the balloons. From 1947 to 1969, they also investigated UFOs to determine if any sightings threatened national security. They came to the conclusion that there was no threat and none of the "unidentified" objects were extraterrestrial vehicles. But one UFO expert says the government has covered up the truth about Roswell and the existence of extraterrestrial visits in general... Here are some 'UFO' sightings caught on camera, from earlier this year;

'Best UFO Sightings January 2014.' Look Now TV, YouTube.

Although we can never be really sure of what crashed in Roswell in 1947, we can be sure that there has been a little UFO sighting on our website... That's right, a whole new collection of alien onesies have landed! In a whole range of different colours and patterns, this alien invasion has made itself at home in our Outer Space Onesies. UFOS So, whether you believe in the extraterrestrial or not, these UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Onesies) are definitely out of this world! Why don't you go ahead  investigate for yourself!