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Three, two onesie! All-In-One’s New Year resolutions

Posted on: 21/01/2014

All in one onesie resolutionsWe hope that you all had a great New Year’s Eve wherever you were and whatever you were doing – we know we certainly did! The celebrations are over for now, however, and that means coming to terms with the resolutions you tearfully set yourself for the year over one too many glasses of bubbly. Not to overload you with guilt or anything but we have a few New Year’s resolutions for you to consider, too – only ours are more fun than convincing you to do more exercise or drink less. Take a look at our onesie-related resolutions and enjoy an all-in-one 2014...


Get out and do more

It’s easy, during the winter months, to become something of a hermit and shut oneself indoors until the days draw out once more. Who wants to leave the house when it’s dark, cold, windy and rainy outside? Much better to just stay in front of the telly with a glass of wine. 2014 is a new year, however, and with spring on the way now’s the time to kick the shut-in habit and make a break for the outside world. Try to do more exciting activities that you wouldn’t normally try – pack a bespoke onesie and head to a music festival or arrange a camping holiday in the countryside with your family! We promise you’ll have a more fun-filled 2014 as a result.


See more friends

It’s important to socialise, and while the Christmas and New Year holidays give us a chance to see more people and try more social activities, it’s easy to slip into old habits during the long, cold months of January and February. Don’t let 2014 start with you stuck in a rut! Try to see your friends at least once a week. Invite people around yours for film nights or dinner parties, head to the cinema or a local bar together and catch up over drinks. Here’s a quick tip – every film night in can be improved by a bowl of warm popcorn, a bottle of cold wine and a snuggly custom all-in-one!


Do things that frighten you

It’s always said that you should do something everyday that frightens you. We’re not talking about picking up spiders with your bare hands or confronting muggers, however. We can do better than that. If you’ve been crushing on a colleague or a friend, ask them out! If you’ve been umming and ahhing over a trip overseas, be spontaneous and go! There are countless things you can try to raise your heart rate, get the adrenaline flowing and put a smile on your face. Gather a few friends, don matching onesies and head out paintballing or white water rafting! If that’s a little much for you at first, you could even just have a horror movie marathon instead.


Refresh your wardrobe

Some people take the New Year as an opportunity to nip their shopping addiction in the bud. Trust us, we know the pain of tallying up an almighty online shopping bill at the end of the month and of gathering up receipts in a vain attempt to return never-worn purchases, but sometimes you just can’t deny that the time is right to refresh the old wardrobe. You may decide that your newly revitalised social life means that you need more party clothes, or that your pledge to get out more is seeing you take up hiking and adventure sports – necessitating an influx of practical clothes. Now’s the time to hit up the sales and revitalise your wardrobe once more. One item that every wardrobe needs – in our humble opinion – is a bespoke onesie. You have your work clothes, your party clothes and your practical clobber, but what about something to relax in?


Whatever your New Year’s resolutions this year, make sure that you have more fun as a result! Take a look at our easy-to-use onesie builder and design your own bespoke onesie to inject some fun into the year ahead.