Onesie Ferociously Fabulous!
Feeling inspired by our leopard print fabrics, I came up with my very own Leopard print nails design!
Speaking of Leopard designs...
Here's my favourite top 5 lovely leopard
1. Leopard - Exotic and Bear Cub Polar Fleece!
2. Leopard - Stone Polar Fleece and Snuggle Bunny Natural
3. Leopard - New and Black Polar Fleece
4. Zzzz Cuddle Fleece, Leopard - New, Raspberry Pink and Purple Rain Polar Fleece.
5. Snow Leopard and Zzzz Cuddle Fleece, Leopard - New, Leopard - Stone and Chocolate Muffin Polar Fleece.
Did you know that the
pattern of the distinctive dark spots a leopard's coat are called rosettes as they resemble the shape of a rose?The colour and pattern of the leopards coat depends on the region that it's from.. Leopards living in warmer, dryer areas have a light buff or tawny coat, while those that live in dense forests have a darker coat.
Unlike most cats, leopards are strong swimmers and are actually very much at home in the water! They even eat fish or crabs!
Leopards usually live in sub-Saharan Africa, northeast Africa, Central Asia, India, and China, unless they're in captivity. (Many populations outside of Africa are endangered.)
Not on our website however, there are tons of leopard
onesiedesign possibilities!
So go on, get ferociously fabulous by designing your very own leopard print
onesie on our
personalised onesie builder today!