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Onesie Jolly, Joking Jesters

Posted on: 01/04/2014

Onesie Joking Jester at The All-in-One Co This Morning...

Onesie Jolly, Joking, Jesters Woohoooo! It's April 1st which means..... It's April Fools' Day! Although it may not be a national holiday, various countries celebrate April Fools' Day, a day when people play practical jokes on each other! In the UK an April Fool joke is revealed by shouting 'April Fool!'. The joking however, stops at midday, and anyone who plays their joke after this time then becomes the 'April Fool' themselves... so be careful! Did you know... April Fools Day in Scotland is traditionally called 'Hunt-the-Gowk Day' (Gowk is Scots for foolish person!)?  A traditional Scottish prank includes one in which a person would deliver a sealed message asking for help. The message actually said  "Dinna laugh, dinna smile. Hunt the gowk another mile".  The recipient would explain that he could not help unless he got in touch with someone else,  sending the victim to this person with an identical message. One of the most well-remembered pranks was one pulled by the BBC. In 1957, the BBC broadcast a film of Swiss Farmers picking freshly grown spaghetti - of course this was fake, and is known as 'The Spaghetti-Tree Hoax.' At the time spaghetti was  little-known in the UK, so many Britons didn't know that spaghetti was in fact made from wheat, flour and water, and a number of viewers afterwards contacted the BBC for advice on growing their own spaghetti trees! We'll always remember the pranks our parents used to play on us when we were younger, one of the most popular being 'there's no school today' and we'd fall for it every time! Will you be pulling any cheeky pranks today..? Or have you already been pranked?! We just hope our little jester behaves himself...