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Onesies Around the World Part 9

Posted on: 12/01/2015

Phillip's Onesie Adventure - Part 9

Around the World Part 9 Ahhh Vancouver…. Cold that you are but all the same lovely. 3 nights I have in the capital of British Columbia. A city of approximately 2 million people nestled on the south west corner of Canada. A city in my opinion was very like Sydney. The first night here, its cold and wet, in fact its bucketing down rain. So I decide to catch a football (soccer) game at British Columbia Stadium. The US Major League Soccer had a game on and the Vancouver White Caps were hosting the LA Galaxy. A healthy crowd of 20,000 in the indoor stadium provided a great atmosphere for the game. Not being a huge soccer nut, I did enjoy the 2-all draw after half a dozen cans of beer and two hotdogs… The next day was the first of my 2 full days in Vancouver, so I took a trip up to the famous Whistler Ski Resort. Home of the 2010 Winter Olympics. The 2 hour drive up from Vancouver was one of the most scenic and indeed stunning drives I have done in a while. The mountains snowcapped, the river running through the valleys, waterfalls on the side of the road. Oh this was delightful. So I get to Whistler in time for some shopping, a look see and indeed some lunch. The minute I parked the car, and took a walk around, I immediately fell in love with this place and began to kick myself for not organising a longer stay here. Cause this was the idea place to relax at one of the resorts, keep warm and cozy in my onesies and enjoy what Whistler has to offer. Around the World Part 9 I stay until about mid afternoon then I make my way back to Vancouver, arriving in later afternoon about 6pm. The second day I have in Vancouver I spend looking around town and having a generally quiet day. Reason is, I have a 9hour drive the next day to Spokane in Washington State. So I have a quiet dinner at the Fairmont Hotel and an early night. After a good rest, its up early, breakfast, shower then off… I felt a little sad leaving Vancouver. It is one city that I really did enjoy as it did remind me of home. But now its time to head back into the USA and off to my next stop, Spokane. Driving back down the highway, crossing the border, I head back to Seattle on the Interstate 5, then make a left turn and head East. East is the direction I will be taking for the duration of the trip until I hot New York City… That's still 3 weeks away!! A long drive had me arriving into Spokane later afternoon to my SHOCK AND HORROR!!!!! You won’t believe what happens here…  I arrive at my hotel, The Ramada Plaza to find it was eerily quiet. No cars parked in the hotel car park, no people around no nothing… On closer inspection, I see a notice on the door…. “Hotel closed since Feburary 15th, please find alternative accommodation”… Man I was livid!!! I frantically ring home to tell what had happened. My agent was in a meeting…. So being an agent myself, I took the law into my own hands… Went and booked in at the Hilton. Luckily for me, Hilton Hotels in the USA are relatively cheap and I knew I would get a decent room and a good night sleep. This is after 2 loads of laundry was done.. Man I was tired now!! So the next day it was heading further east, this time onto Helena, Montana and Big Sky Country… Stay tuned to see what I get up to next on this amazing onesiearound the world adventure..