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Win a £100 Gift Voucher with our August Onesie Adventure Competition

Posted on: 02/08/2013

Win £100 gift voucher with your onesie adventure photograph

  Each and every month we are giving one lucky onesie wearer the chance to win a £100 gift voucher to spend at The All-in-One Company™.  All you have to do is wear your best all-in-one at the best onesie location and send us a photograph. We are now into the school summer holidays and there are lots of fun activities here, there and everywhere.  Why not wear your onesie, take a snap, and enter our competition! We can't wait to see where you are all off to on your adventures. National Play Day is coming up on 7th August, and we have teamed with Metro Radio's Cash for Kid's and are supporting the Onesie Wander. Metro Radio's Cash for Kids Onesie Wander Ten's of thousands of you are heading down to Saltwell Park, Gateshead, to take part in the sponsored walk, wait for it, wearing your onesies or best PJ's!! Courage the Cat is wearing his extra special Cash for Kid's all-in-one, make sure you take a photograph of him if you see him!     There are plenty of ways to enter our competition..   Tweet us: @TheAllinOneCo Facebook us: www.facebook.com/theallinonecompany Email us: [email protected] Instagram us: THEALLINONECO   Closing date is Saturday 31st August and the winning onesie adventure photograph will be announced Monday 2nd September.  Runners up will also receive a small prize.