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Its time for teddy bears! at The all in one company!

| News Workshop

Posted on: 16/09/2010

Its time for Teddies at THE All-in-one Company   It's time for teddy bears! at The all?in?one company! We thought it was time to make a stand for teddy bears everywhere! Could your teddy bear be more snuggly and cuddly? Does your teddy bear wish they had an all-in-one suit of their very own? Do they look all left out when you put on your very own all-in-one? If your teddy could talk, we think their answer would be yes! That's why we created teddy bear suits! Dont let your Teddy be left out!   Does your teddy want to look like you? Or do their own thing? We can't answer that one, you'll have to ask them! But just to make sure we can make them either way, create a teddy all-in-one that is the same as your own or make their own! You can even add their name! So make you own teddy all-in-one today! We hope you will enjoy the new site and can’t wait to see what all?in?ones, hoodies or teddies you come up with! With best wishes from us all,

The All-in-One Company
The All-in-one Company The All-in-one Company The All-in-one Company The All-in-one Company The All-in-one Company