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Five ways to keep cosy this winter

Posted on: 11/02/2014

Stay CosyBrrr – the winter weather has well and truly set in! While the days are getting longer and spring is a not-too-distant speck on the horizon, such facts are slim comfort as we face the chill for the time being. Our cosy, fleecy all-in-ones are great for cuddling up in against the cold, but how else could you look to stay warm this winter? Take a look at our five favourite suggestions for keeping cosy in the cold...


Stay in bed

We all know what it’s like to be roused by the alarm clock at some ungodly time in the morning and face the cold slog to the bathroom to shower, change and get ready for work. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just stay in bed all day? Of course, at the weekends, you can! What better excuse to cuddle up in your favourite onesie, pull the duvet in tight and catch up on those unwatched DVD box sets? Everyone deserves a sick day every now and again – we promise not to tell...


Wrap up warm

Of course, there’s no chance you’ll be able to stay indoors all winter. Eventually you’ll have to venture into the outside world, but how will you hope to keep warm when you do? The answer, of course, is to wrap up warm – pull your woolly hats, gloves and scarves out from the back of the wardrobe and no matter how low the mercury drops you’ll always be warm as toast. Wear an All-In-One Company sleepsuit under your coat for extra warmth and comfort on the coldest days!


Keep moving

Naturally, the less you do the colder you’ll feel. If you’re sat at a desk every day or cooped up in the house due to the weather, you’ll only feel colder than if you were moving about! Keep your body moving and your blood pumping and you’ll soon feel warmer. Aerobic exercise – such as jogging or cycling – will raise your heart rate and your body temperature, helping you to feel warmer and more comfortable. How about making the most of the cold weather by having a snowball fight if it snows, or sledging down the nearest hill? Even a brisk walk on a winter’s day can help, so get up and go!


Cuddle up

Not so very long ago people had to get creative if they wanted to keep warm in the winter. Without sophisticated heating, people used to cuddle up with one another to sleep at night in order to share body heat. Entire families would huddle together for warmth, often bringing their pets with them for a little extra heat. People would even bring livestock indoors during the coldest days, with sheep, pigs and cattle adding their own heat to the household! We aren’t suggesting that you do the same, but cuddling up with your partner or your kids will help to keep you all cosy in the depths of winter. Why not snuggle together under a blanket with a bowl of popcorn and watch some family movies?


Throw a party

How about combining two of the previous suggestions into one ultimate cosy concept? This year, when the temperature gets really low, throw a house party! Inviting lots of guests into your home will help to make the air temperature nice and warm, while the aerobic exercise of dancing to your favourite party playlist will also help to keep you and your guests lovely and toasty. How about throwing a Where The Wild Things Are-style wild rumpus with the help of our fantastic Max suits? That’s three ways to keep warm, all in one suggestion!

Our custom onesies are the ultimate winter warmers for every occasion, so why not take a look at our fantastic onesie builder and design your own cosy sleepsuit for the chilly weather ahead?